TamizdatWestern receptionWorks Poem without a Hero (A. Akhmatova) The second issue of the almanac "Vozdushnye puti", published in New York (1961). "Poem without…cecilia.martino95April 4, 2021
TamizdatWestern receptionWorks Polden’ (N. Gorbanevskaia) Cover. Russian edition. Novoe Izdatel'stvo, 2017. Title: Polden’: delo o demonstratsii 25 avgusta 1968 goda…alybuce84April 6, 2021
TamizdatWestern receptionWorks Requiem (A. Akhmatova) Frontispiece of "Requiem" from the edition "Tovarishchestvo Zarubezhnykh Pisatelei" (1969). Title: Rekviem Author: Anna Andreevna…cecilia.martino95April 4, 2021
TamizdatWestern receptionWorks The Gulag Archipelago (A. Solzhenitsyn) Cover of the first edition of "The GULag Archipelago" by A. Solzhenitsyn. Title: Arkhipelag Gulag…marta.caposselaApril 3, 2021
TamizdatWestern receptionWorks The Heart of a Dog (M. Bulgakov) Title: Sobach'e serdtse "The Heart of a Dog". Cover from the De Donato edition, 1967.…cecilia.martino95April 4, 2021
TamizdatWestern receptionWorks The White Book (A. Ginzburg) Cover of the Italian edition, 1967, ed. by Jaca Book. Title: Belaia kniga po delu…noemi.albSeptember 19, 2021