In the USSRLeningradMoscowPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Pamiat’. Istoricheskii sbornik "Pamiat'", 5, Paris 1982. Source: "Vtoraia-Literatura" Archive. Title of the journal: “Pamiat’. Istoricheskii sbornik” Dates:…iris.krfApril 4, 2021
Facts & PhenomenaHuman Rights MovementIn the USSRMoscowWhere Pëtr Iakir Kiev, 1923-Moscow, 1982 Pëtr Iakir with his daughter Irina in the 1980s. Source: Born…marta.caposselaDecember 12, 2021
In the USSRLeningradLeningradUnderground Places & GroupsWhere Philological School Leonid Vinogradov, Margarita Razumovskaia, Vladimir Ufliand, Nina Loseva, Sergei Kulle e Mikhail Eremin. Leningrad, 1959.…marta.caposselaMay 14, 2021
In the USSRMoscowPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Phoenix 1966 Excerpt from the editorial article "Mozhete nachinat'" (You can start), "Feniks 1966". Title: "Feniks 1966" …cecilia.martino95September 28, 2021
In the USSRMoscowMoscowUnderground Places & GroupsWhere Pushkin square Demonstration at the statue of A. S. Pushkin on 5th Dec. 1976 / archive Mezhdunarodnii…marta.caposselaApril 5, 2021
In the USSRMoscowSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhereWorks Put’ (O. Adamova-Sliozberg) "The Path" by Olg'a Adamova-Sliozberg. Photos from the personal archive. Source: Title: Put' Author: Ol’ga…cecilia.martino95September 30, 2021
In the USSRLeningradLeningradUnderground Places & GroupsWhere Saigon Cafè Saigon Cafè. Source: Dates: 1964–1989 Place: Leningrad Frequent guests: Evgenii Venzel’, Konstantin Kuz’minskii, Viktor…marta.caposselaApril 5, 2021
In the USSRLeningradPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Severnaia Pochta "Severnaia pochta", n. 1 1979. Samizdat Collections, University of Toronto. Title of the magazine: "Severnaia…iris.krfApril 5, 2021
In the USSRMoscowSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhereWorks Short stories (G. Demidov) Georgii Demidov. Picture received from his daughter Valentina Georgevna Demidova. Author: Georgii Georgevich Demidov Years…cecilia.martino95September 28, 2021
In the USSRMoscowPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Sintaksis (A. Ginzburg) Cover n.1 1959, L. Kropivnitskii. Title of the almanac: Sintaksis Dates: December 1959-April 1960 Place…iris.krfApril 4, 2021