TamizdatWestern receptionWorks A School for Fools (S. Sokolov) Source: Mss-117 Sokolov Collection, UCSB. Title: Shkola dlia durakov Author: Saša Sokolov (1943- ) Years…noemi.albApril 5, 2021
In the USSRLeningradMoscowPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Pamiat’. Istoricheskii sbornik "Pamiat'", 5, Paris 1982. Source: "Vtoraia-Literatura" Archive. Title of the journal: “Pamiat’. Istoricheskii sbornik” Dates:…iris.krfApril 4, 2021
In the USSRMoscowPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Sintaksis (A. Ginzburg) Cover n.1 1959, L. Kropivnitskii. Title of the almanac: Sintaksis Dates: December 1959-April 1960 Place…iris.krfApril 4, 2021
In the USSRLeningradMoscowSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsSinger-songwriters: SongsWhere Soviet Songwriting: Periods and Places Dates: 1950s–1990s Ensemble 'Poslednii shans' at the XXV meeting of the KSP, 16 May 1981.…cecilia.martino95April 4, 2021
In the USSRLeningradMagnitizdat and X-RayMoscowSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere Sound Archivists (magnitofonshchiki) Dates: 1950s-1990s List of "magnitofonshchiki". Leningrad, 1981. Organiser Kurchev Nikolai. Luogo: Moscow, Leningrad Description: The…cecilia.martino95April 3, 2021
In the USSRLeningradPeriodicalsSamizdat & Unofficial ArtsWhere 37 "37", n. 1, 1976. Source: Samizdat Collections, University of Toronto. Title: “37” Dates: April 1976…marco.sabbatiniMarch 25, 2021