First page, n. 1, 1972-74. Source: Samizdat Collections, University of Toronto.
Title of the journal:
“Zhurnal mod” [Fashion magazine]
Dates: 1972-1974
Place of publication: Leningrad
Editors: Anna Tarshis, Sergei Sigov
Total number of issues: 1
Number of Pages: 21
Founded by the couple Anna Tarshis (who often used the pseudonym Ry Nikonova) and Sergei Sigov (who often signed himself Sergei Sigei), the magazine came out in a single issue in 1974 with materials collected between 1972 and 1974, the year the couple moved from Ekaterinburg to Leningrad.
“Zhurnal mod” embraced visual experimentation (with a clear predominance of images over words) and thus anticipated the activity and spirit of the subsequent “Transponans”. With the subtitle “Risunki kostiumov, nabroski, ėskyzy, zarysovki, proėkty ne-o-dezhdy” (Dress designs, sketches, models, non-clothes projects), “Zhurnal mod” presented mainly black-and-white and colour images of clothes, accessories, and shoes by Sergei Sigei and Valerii D’iachenko. Negatives, photographs and newspaper cuttings were also included. Autographed captions also featured, parodying advertisements.
Notes: The journal can be consulted online at the Samizdat Collection of the University of Toronto. Original copies are kept at the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen.
Giuseppina Larocca
[30th June 2021]
Translation by Iris Karafillidis
To cite this article:
Giuseppina Larocca, Zhurnal mod, in Voci libere in URSS. Letteratura, pensiero, arti indipendenti in Unione Sovietica e gli echi in Occidente (1953-1991), a cura di C. Pieralli, M. Sabbatini, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2021-, <vocilibereurss.fupress.net>.
eISBN 978-88-5518-463-2
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